Own Your Body
Here you can read our reflections and research on various topics that has to do with women’s health. Hopefully you’ll be able to find some new perspectives, information and inspiration here!
You’ll notice that some articles here will be in English and some in Swedish, and unfortunately we won’t be able to translate them right now, but we really hope that you’ll find some that could be of interest to you. And if you do, please share them with other people who you think would want to read them too. Thank you so much for taking your time, we really appreciate it!
World Breastfeeding Week
This week is the World Breastfeeding week and we would like to take the time to honor all mothers who have breastfeed or tried to breastfeed their babies. We have a breastfeeding guide for you, as well as 20% off our products that support your breastfeeding journey.
Din amningsguide
En hel amningsguide för dig som vill veta hur du kan göra amningen till en enklare och mer lustfylld resa.