Our Herbal Guide
Explore the powerful properties of the essentials oils and the herbs that we use.
Our Wish
Our wish is that herbs and all other of nature’s gifts return to the mainstream, where they can play a key role in the holistic care and hormonal support of women of all ages and during the different phases of life: the teenage years, pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, breastfeeding, pre-menopaus, menopaus, and post-menopaus.
Midwives and birth workers have traditionally used herbs to support women’s health during pregnancy: strengthen the body and womb ahead of birth; enhance milk flow; aid recovery; promote healthy digestion in both baby and mother; prevent postpartum depression; heal any tears or wounds in the vulva; improve haemorrhoids and support breast health during lactation.
We know that specific herbs also relieve menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats and dryness of the membranes. Studies support this old knowledge and lived experience of women throughout history.
We know that chemical pharmaceuticals are critically important when really necessary. However, because herbs provide essential nutrients and support the body’s natural functions, they are able to prevent many conditions from arising in the first place and at the same time nourishing us women without generating the side effects that some synthetic medicines can cause. For this reason, our first port of call is always nature’s pharmacy.
All our herbal products are organic and produced ethically from the highest quality herbs.
We don’t compromise.
Q & A -
Herbs for Tea.
Why do we sell loose tea as opposed to tea bags?
Loose teas keep the flavors of the flowers and buds fresher than tea stored in small bags. We want to avoid unnecessary packaging and the associated manufacturing processes that place a harmful burden on Mother Nature. Many tea bags include microplastics, and we’ve chosen to keep it as simple as possible for the benefit of future generations.
Why is it so important that it is organic?
Organically grown flowers and herbs are free from chemicals and harsch fertilizers. Chemicals and other toxins can cause negative side effects in you and your baby. Studies have shown that chemicals can cross the placenta and get into the baby’s bloodstream. Non-organic farming aims to increase the speed and extent of growth in order to maximize profit. This creates more produce, but nutrients are diluted and the produce become less nutrient-rich. We believe that this is an unsustainable practice, and our aim is to support sustainable, resilient lives in a sustainable, resilient world.
Is it really safe to drink herbal tea when you are pregnant?
We sometimes get asked why the Swedish Food Agency recommends pregnant women to minimize the consumption of herbs, especially fennel seed and chamomile, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. We love our Abundant Mama Tea, which contains fennel seed because it is known to increase milk flow and soothe stomach aches in babies, and want to summarize the background to the Swedish Food Agency’s current position and our thinking around this. This will hopefully help you to make your own informed choices relating to herbs.
The Swedish Food Agency based its recommendation on a study on fennel seed carried out by EMA (the European Medicine Agency). (The Swedish Food Agency doesn’t explain why chamomile is also under scrutiny.)
The study showed that fennel contains the substance estragole (part of fennel essential oil) which can be carcinogenic in isolation. Estragole comprises 10% of fennel seed essential oil, while other anti-carcinogenic substances comprise 80%, offseting the negative properties of estragole (the remainder is other substances). The recommended maximum intake has been set at 10 mg per kilo of body weight in the EU. In other words, an individual weighing 60kg would need to consume 600 mg estragole per day to exceed the recommendation.
A cup of Braïdo Organics Abundant Mama Tea (which includes fennel seed) contains a maximum of 0.8 mg estragole. This means that you would need to consume (i.e. ingest the seeds) 750 cups of tea per day, an impossible volume.
The study EMA based its recommendation on was carried out on estragole in isolation, with no consideration given to the fact that estragole is a plant component, which is also why the study has come under criticism.
According to another study*, toxicity was not demonstrated in infusions containing fennel. The study also highlighted that fennel has been used to increase milk production in breastfeeding women since antiquity without any reported side effects, and that the herb is packed with minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese and copper.
The Swedish Food Agency has stated that it will not change its recommendation until research shows that herbs are 100% safe. Our question is whether any study will ever be able to demonstrate this, and why the Swedish Food Agency has chosen to not focus on foods and household products that contain known hormone disruptors and carcinogenic substances.
Humans ingest a cocktail of hundreds, if not thousands, of chemicals every day through the air we breathe, in the food we eat (processed food, pesticides, aspartame, palm oil, arsenic, lead and mercury), the plastics we use to heat up our food in, the perfumes we spray on our skin, lotions and shampoos we use on our body (and getting it from the pharmacy won’t help here, just check out the contents on the back of the bottles), the chemicals we use to clean our homes and cars, tire fragments used to make playgrounds and astroturf, the water we drink (hormone disruptors are present in drinking water in Sweden), microplastics containing many other chemicals in toothpaste, Teflon in our frying pans and saucepans. The list goes on.
We also wonder whether the Swedish Food Agency’s recommendation includes basil, coriander, rosemary and oregano, all herbs that are frequently used in cooking, including by pregnant women? The website doesn’t say anything about these herbs.
As for a many other alternative ways of looking after your health, the Swedish media jumped to conclusions after the Swedish Food Agency’s recommendations and over-simplified the study and drew the wrong conclusions. We believe that it is worth trying what Mother Earth has created for us first, before using synthetic substances that could have side effects. Of course you know best what feels right for you, and nothing is ever black or white. There are always nuances to be found and every individual needs to make up their own mind about the lifestyle they choose and how they want to strengthen their body.
We choose to strengthen and support our bodies by natural means as far as possible, as the evidence shows that it is often effective while also giving us a lot of pleasure.
How we work with essential oils.
We love plants, nature and the healing support that’s inherent in the fabric of life.
We’ve chosen to work only with local, small-scale producers, many of which are based in the New Forest where production takes place by hand. Wherever possible, we visit the farmers and see the fields where the herbs and flowers are growing for ourselves. Our energy sprays use spring water from the New Forest.
The more exotic herbs and flowers in some of the blends are sourced from outside Europe, always from individual small-scale growers. All the ingredients that go into our products are organic, ethical and fair trade – this is verified independently by New Forest Aromatics. Wherever possible we work with women’s collectives and seek to support local economies in the most ethical way possible
Because essential oils are a very powerful way of working with healing it’s not only the end product that’s important, but also how its produced. Plant essences work in two ways – directly through your sense of smell, and energetically when you come into contact with the plant’s vibrational essence. The key factor for connecting with the vibrational nature of essential oils is intention. This is also energetically transferred to the birthing woman or others who inhale the scent. To keep the intention pure, we’ve chosen not to compromise on any part of the production process.
For this reason, we’ve chosen not to work with some of the more commonly available commercial oils. Because intention is so important to the effectiveness of the final product, we don’t work with multi-level marketing companies. The starting point – the underlying intention – is greed, and the marketing approach can have an evangelical, almost aggressive tone.
Many of these companies have white evangelical Christian men at the top, who are effectively exploiting women’s longing for holistic, natural health solutions and community. They make a lot of money from these products, but the person on the lowest rung doesn’t make a lot of money at all. In fact it’s mathematically impossible for everyone to thrive in these structures.
At a time when patriarchal structures are endangering the entire biosphere, we are open about our choice not to work with such dynamics. Whatever claims are made about the purity and excellence of the products become meaningless when they simultaneously offer very little transparency and traceability.
The future of the planet, our children’s future is at stake. It’s time to say Enough! to the patriarchal structures that harm birthing women and the biosphere. It’s time to take personal responsibility for our consumer and business choices, even if it’s more expensive and difficult in the short run. We’re the ones we’ve been waiting for.
It’s time for Braïdo to return.
“Pregnant Mamas: if you’re not made to feel like Radiant, Abundant, Joyful Queens someone’s not treating you right! We named our teas for you so that you don’t forget! ”
— With love, Maria & Kristina, founders of Braïdo Organics.
The health benefits of the herbs in our herbal blends.
Radiant Mama Tea
Raspberry leaves are known to be especially good for the female body because they are said to reduce PMS symptoms, menstrual cramps, nausea and diarrhea, as well as strengthen and prepare the uterus to work effectively during childbirth, thereby reducing bleeding and facilitating postpartum recovery. The leaves are rich in fiber, iron, vitamins A, E and C, tannins, flavone glycosides and organic acids. They contain antioxidant polyphenols - ie useful antioxidants, as well as the wonderful hormone oxytocin - which has a relaxing and soothing effect on body and mind.
Nettle is a fantastic medicinal plant and contains plenty of iron, chlorophyll, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, folacin, C and E, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, histamine, acetylcholine, formic acid, serotonin, zantophyll, pantothenic acid, sulfur. The nettle is blood purifying and at the same time blood-forming. Because it has a good effect on the pancreas continual usage can lower your blood sugar.
Oat straw is perfect to drink during both pregnancy and menopause because it may reduce hemorrhoids and varicose veins, as well as incontinence, dry mucous membranes in the vagina, cramps in the bladder and other problems with the tissues in and around the vagina. It’s rich in calcium and has a calming effect on the nervous system, relieves headaches and difficulty sleeping, anxiety and muscle cramps. The herb is also said to lower high cholesterol levels and balance blood sugar. It also contains calcium in easily absorbed form, which strengthens nerves, heart, and blood vessels.
Rosehips are used in traditional folk medicine for joint pain, digestive problems, urinary tract infection and inflammation. They are incredibly rich in vitamin C (they contain about eight times more vitamin C than oranges) and contain vitamins A and E, folate, calcium, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants.
Alpha-alpha help build and nourish the blood, strengthen tooth enamel, cleanse the body, strengthen the immune system, decrease high cholesterol levels, increase the quantity and quality of breast milk and help to relieve some menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweats. The herb also aid in good digestion and decrease acid reflux. Rich in natural digestive enzymes and bioflavonoids, vitamins A, C (four times more than citrus fruits), B vitamins, K, D and E, and the minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.
Joyful Mama Tea
Chamomile is calming and relieves stress. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties support great brain health and helps lift mood. The Latin name for chamomile is derived from the word for womb, Matrix, and is traditionally used by midwives.
Lavender elevates mood as it’s effective in treating anxiety, depression and pain. Relaxing, calming and improving sleep. Boosts immune health through its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and supports digestive health.
Lemonbalm works on the nervous system and is calming. It acts as an antioxidant and is effective against anxiety, insomnia and depression. Also prevents herpes outbreaks.
Abundant Mama Tea
Aniseed increases breast milk supply and can help clogged ducts and other problems in the milk glands by maintaining a constant milk flow. Helps baby’s digestion and relieves symptoms of colic. Balances blood sugar levels, prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria.
Fennel seed increases milkflow and can help reduce colic in the baby. It is rich in anti-oxidants, has antimicrobial properties, aids digestive problems, relieves constipation and reduces swelling.
Cumin seed is a great remedy for stimulating milk production. The seeds are packed with iron, which is an essential mineral for nursing mothers. Cumin seeds also aids digestion, stimulates bowel movements and provide relief against gastric problems.
Healing Mama Herbal Bath
Chamomile reduces inflammation, is antibacterial, and calms and soothes the skin. The Latin name for chamomile is derived from the word for womb, Matrix. Chamomile is traditionally used by midwives for colic and cramp.
Calendula is anti-inflammatory, effective treatment for painful skin tears and wounds that are slow to heal. Supports skin renewal.
Lavender reduces pain, speeds up wound healing and soothes itching and burning.
Rosemary is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Stimulates circulation and increases cellular uptake of oxygen. Uplifting and mood enhancing.
Uva Ursi has antibiotic properties, anti-inflammatory and urinary tract disinfectant.
Yarrow is antibacterial, astringent wound healer.
Comfrey speeds up healing, soothes itchy and painful wounds, softens the skin.
Marshmallow calms inflamed and swollen tissues
“I bought Joyful Mama Tea and Abundant Mama Tea and they are the best tasting tees I’ve ever had. Such wonderful herbal and flowery taste.”
— Ida, customer.
The spiritual and health benefits of the herbs in our essential oils.
Grandma’s Garden
Neroli is a lovely, gentle oil that is often used to support birth. Neroli is another name for orange blossom, and is a sunny and warm oil that smells of the Mediterranean. An oil of calm and peace.
Lavender is an oil of compassion and healing. Very soothing on both mind and body. Relieves pain.
Mandarin supports communication. Mandarin is a citrus oil but less sharp than the others, and is one of few essential oils that can be used throughout pregnancy and on newborns. Helps you build bridges and communicate with your baby.
Chamomile is anti-inflammatory, calming and is good for swollen legs.
Rosehip oil contains vitamins and fatty acids that prevent scars forming.
Camellia oil stimulates collagen production which helps prevent stretchmarks.
The base oils are organic sunflower, camellia and rosehip oil.
Protecting the Space
Cypress is a tall coniferous tree that is often planted in churchyards because it supports the transition from one stage to another. Being born as a parent is one of the biggest transformations you go through in life, and cypress stands as the guardian of the portal between life and death, which is where you have to journey to get your baby.
Cedar is a strong tree that conveys courage, strength and endurance. Ships’ masts are made from cedarwood because it is so strong and steady, and it also takes a long time to break down.
Fir is associated with Christmas, when we still honour the wisdom of the great trees by bringing it into our home for the birth of the Christ child. This is an ancient tradition that honours and protects all birthing women. Helps deepen our connection with nature.
Tea Tree has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It offers protection based on the deep wisdom held by the indigenous peoples of Australia. Tea Tree is good for offering protection from anything unexpected that might happen during birth.
Copaiba is a sacred tree that grows in South America. It’s been seen as sacred for thousand of years and stands for deep connection, strength and protection.
This energy spray is made with pure spring water from the New Forest.
Mother Blessing
Geranium is connected with the archetypal mother energy and is traditionally used by midwives for its antiseptic qualities. It has a nurturing quality that helps harmonise the female reproductive cycle and supports you during big transitions.
Lavender is soothing and calming and has a strong association with the divine feminine. Represents compassion and loving kindness.
Rose is closely associated with the Virgin Mary, Venus and Aphrodite. It helps you connect with a higher love, unconditional and radiant, something that many people experience for the first time when they have a child.
Linden blossom comes from the archetypal mother tree in many cultures. A feminine, welcoming oil associated with Freya and Green Tara. Great for meditating and connecting with Goddess energy.
The base oils are sunflower oil, unscented coconut and Vitamin E.
Into the Deep
Eucalyptus opens up your lungs so that you can breathe more deeply and helps you focus on your breath.
Frankincense is a resin incense often used in the Catholic church and elsewhere to support contact with something higher – communion with the divine. Helps you connect with your higher self and your unborn child.
Palmarosa is a flexible, flowing grass that offers you tolerance and adaptability. When the contractions become stronger we can become fearful and start to tense up – palmarosa helps us to go with the flow.
Geranium is the essence of motherhood, gifts you harmony and help us to feel nurtured and safe.
Sandalwood is good for meditative states, opens up the doors of perception and gives us courage and strength.
The base oils are sunflower, apricot and Vitamin E.
Grapefruit is a positive oil that wakes you up and cleanses your system. Makes you feel clean and fresh.
Peppermint supports your digestion and is uplifting, cleansing and cooling. Helps you make breakthroughs, to reach beyond your limitations.
Clary sage helps you see clearly, beyond what you thought was possible. Deepens your insight and helps you let go of distractions. Activates your creative and visionary ability. Sharpens your focus.
Eucalyptus helps you breathe more deeply, often when we feel tired we’ve just stopped breathing deeply enough. Helps oxygenate the blood more effectively. Gives you strength and endurance.
Spearmint is similar to peppermint. Helps you focus, is uplifting and clears the fog.
Clary sage can help start contractions. Supports the creative side of birth, to really open up to what is about to happen.
The base oils are sunflower oil, unscented coconut and Vitamin E.
Open Up
Jasmine strengthens the womb and can stimulate contractions. It’s an aphrodisiac, and is rare in its association with both the male and female aspect of the divine. It’s about union, merging into one. Helps the couple to really connect, experience love and be truly present.
Ylang ylang is an aphrodisiac, a sexy scent that invites sexuality into the birth room. It’s about love, loving your body and physical attraction. You might feel like a telly tubby but this oil will get you into your sensual groove!
Mandarin is calming, supports communication and tells the baby: “I’m ready to give birth”.
Sandalwood opens the doors of perception and also the doors lower down! As above, so below. Honours the sacred in what’s happening. This is a masculine and sexual scent – great for both partners.
The base oils are sunflower, apricot and Vitamin E.
All the amazing herbs that we use.
(Work in progress, more are coming soon!)