Empower Yourself
Knowledge is power. We have the information you need to take charge and own your life.
There’s no better start than today.
About our empowering webinars and digital birth class, called Own Your Birth
In 2020, when the Covid pandemic hit the world, we created the online platform Own Your Birth to further support pregnant women, their partners, midwives, doctors and everyone else interested in birth. The need for connection, more knowledge and new perspectives on birth was big and the response was immense. During two years we held over 70 webinars on a variation of topics and with different guests from around the world. You can find 40 of the most popular recorded webinars here.
Among our fantastic guests you can find Asabea Britton, a popular Swedish midwife and influencer, Dr. Neel Shah, an American physician, Hannah Dalén, a professor of midwifery in Australia, Dr. Michel Odent, a French obstetrician and author, and Debra Pascali Bonaro, a world-renowned inspirational speaker, filmmaker, doula trainer, childbirth educator, and author.
In order to also meet the needs of people who want further in-depth birth preparation from home we created a digital holistic birth class with a mix of videos and text, theory and practical exercises, inspiration and calming meditations, which you can take at your own pace. Down below you’ll get instant access to the course as soon as you’ve signed up.
Down below you’ll find our upcoming events, monthly membership subscriptions and holistic online birth course.
Own Your Birth NOW!
Choose from below options to take part of the change.
This birth preparation course is in Swedish. Detta är en digital “snabbkurs” på 3 tim. och 15 min. som går på djupet för att ge dig och din partner/stödperson den kunskap och de verktyg du/ni kan behöva för att föda på dina villkor och få bästa möjliga postpartumtid. Förutom inspelade videor och skrivet material får du fyra längre meditationer. Nedan beskriver vi mer utförligt vad som ingår i kursen.
Here you'll get access to all our live webinars and our 40 best and most empowering recorded webinars, both in English and in Swedish. Own Your Birth gives you new perspectives on birth, the courage to follow your heart and a supportive community.
Why Own Your Birth?
Whether you're having a c-section, a "regular" hospital birth or a home birth, the birth of your child is an experience that you'll never forget and that will impact you for the rest of your life.
A traumatic birth can leave scars in body and soul, and affect your connection with your baby.
If you don’t know how to reduce the risk of having a negative birth experience, you might be left feeling frightened and disempowered. But the more informed and prepared you are, the more you increase your chances of having a positive birth experience.
We’ve spent the past two years speaking to midwives, doulas and doctors about the most important factors for having a great birth, and recorded a load of inspiring birth stories from members of our community. We’ve uploaded it all in our library for you to watch when it suits you.
Own Your Birth’s förlossningsförberedande onlinekurs
I den här kursen berättar och visar Maria och Kristina det viktigaste du behöver känna till inför att föda på dina egna villkor, så att du inte tvingas in i onödiga medicinska interventioner eller hamnar under utomstående ”experters” auktoritet mot din vilja.
Det är DU som är experten på din kropp, ditt barn och din födsel. Vi ger dig kunskap, inspiration och de praktiska kunskaper som du och din partner eller stödperson behöver för att få bästa möjliga förlossningsupplevelse.
Vare sig du redan känner oss från våra webbinarier eller träffar oss för första gången så kan du lita på att vi lever för att värna det friska, ostörda, holistiska födandet. Vi älskar att hålla space för kvinnor och deras familjer och har coachat hundratals kvinnor till positiva förlossningsupplevelser.
Den här kursen är indelad i fyra delar:
1. Förlossningens fysiologiska process. Om vad som händer i kroppen och förlossningens olika skeden.
2. Hur du skapar de bästa förutsättningarna för att föda tryggt, säkert och på dina villkor. Om oxytocinets viktiga roll.
3. Hur du och din stödperson kan hantera värkarna och få smärtlindring.
4. Hur du föder oforcerat, bearbetar rädslor, gör en förlossningsplan och om postpartum-tiden.
I varje del ingår videor där vi pratar om exempelvis fysiologisk födsel, hur värkarna kan hanteras, hur du bearbetar förlossningsrädsla och andras negativa energier och hur du kan öppna upp för att föda.
Vi illustrerar hur värkarbetet ser ut, hur bebisen roterar och vad som händer i bäckenet och hur partnern kan stötta kvinnan under värkarbetet.
Till varje del kommer en längre meditation som hjälper dig att förankra det du lärt dig och redan vet i kroppen. Du får även skrivet material, som exempelvis hur du kan boosta oxytocinet och skapa en oxytocinrik miljö som stöttar och skyddar kvinnan och värkarbetet.
Som kursdeltagare får du 20% rabatt på första köpet av Braïdo Organics produkter, som främjar en hälsosam graviditet, stärkande födsel och mjuk start med bebisen. När du registrerat dig får du en kod som kan användas i kassan.
Varmt välkomna!

“We imagine a day when all women feel beautiful and powerful during their pregnancy, and honor the hard work their bodies are doing to grow and nourish a developing human being.
We imagine a day when all women give birth on their own terms and feel empowered and high on love hormones after birth – not traumatized or violated.
We imagine a day when women take the time and space for postpartum healing and receive the support, nourishment and protection we all so badly need during that unique time of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual change.
We are here to support you through pregnancy, birth and beyond.”
— Maria & Kristina, founders of Braïdo Organics.
Gallery of Birth Queens.
These women followed Own Your Birth during their pregnancy, gathered together the information they needed to make great choices and gave birth on their own terms. They are our ambassadors, expert consultants and friends for life. We asked them what “Owning Your Birth” means to them and why they recommend Own Your Birth, and these are their answers:
Michelle Fröberg
“To me owning your birth means to take charge, prepare yourself and dare to listen to your body, mind and soul, what’s best for YOU, your family and your baby (even if everyone else tells you to do it differently).
I recommend Own Your Birth because it will strengthen and empower you, including your birth team, not only during pregnancy, birth and post partum, but in life in a holistic manner as well.
Here you will find an enormous amount of necessary knowledge from all over the world gathered in just one plattform!
During the live webinars you get the opportunity to ask experts your personal questions or just watch them in your own time. The workshops provide great input while strengthening your intuition.
Own Your Birth has had a significant impact on my life and I am forever grateful for all the support, especially during my second pregnancy and birth!
This community will support YOU and wants what’s best for YOU and your baby. ”
Angelica Ramos Eklund
"To me owning your birth means to re-member and reclaiming our innate wisdom and great courage, taking full responsibility for the mental physical and spiritual body, to honor the sacred path of pregnancy and birth knowing it is our right to birth the way our hearts desire.
I recommend Own Your Birth to anyone who wants to be given invaluable and unforgettable tools and information from experts, with a community at your side with big hearts and loving support, that is there to empower you on your journey!
I made new friends and got so inspired that I now myself am at service as a birthkeeper and postpartum guardian."
Gina Di Mauro
"To me owning your birth means to take back the power and control of my own body, to take charge of how I want my baby to enter this world, to make conscious choices for me and my child, to prepare myself and listen to my body, my mind and my soul. I'm not just giving birth to my child, I'm also giving birth to myself as a new woman, as a mother.
I wanted to feel respected, undisturbed and to be treated as a woman about to give birth and not be treated as a sick person at a hospital.
I recommend Own Your Birth to every birthing person or partner to get a wider perspective and knowledge about pregnancy and birth.
I had a big fear of childbirth and thought that I would never carry a child or be a mother. Own Your Birth helped me through that fear and I learned to trust my body."
Ellinor Olofsson
”To me owning your birth means taking back control over the female body. Preparation is key. Do the research. Trust your intuitions. Ask the questions. Feel every emotion. Doing this before you go into labor will make you feel empowered, as a woman and as a mother. You are the one in charge (the little baby may also have some say). No one has the authority over your body. Especially not during birth. That moment belongs to you and your baby.
I recommend Own Your Birth because I was really scared to give birth, as many women are, and this community cured me. Believe it or not. I actually wanted an elective c-section at first. By joining Own Your Birth I learned so much about the physiology and it helped me to overcome my fears. I had an unmedicated home birth for 34 hours and got transferred to a hospital when I had been 10 cm open for quite some time. Still ended up with a wonderful emergency c-section though. Yes wonderful. Because I owned every second of my birth. I was in charge (and my stubborn little baby).
The support and guidance I got from this platform. No words. Women. Mothers. Sisters. Together we are unstoppable.”
Jaqueline Tan
"To me owning your birth means that I'm making me and my baby the priority throughout the whole process. Giving us space to grow and time to learn. To acknowledge myself as an individual that will have my unique birth journey and no matter how it will unfold, I will remain powerful. I'm prepared.
I recommend Own Your Birth because in today’s society there are a lot of outside influences who all have an opinion about what they think is best. While they most likely mean well, this leaves less room for you.
Maria and Kristina will give you the tools to put you back in charge, helping you to reflect, feel and integrate your intuition into any decisions. Their love, support and guidance gave me the trust to own my birth."
Anna Haggärde
"To me owning my birth means trusting my intuition and my body. It means self respect. I created a safe space for myself where i could give birth in the best way, in harmony with my own conditions.
I recommend Own Your Birth because to me joining the own your birth community made me feel like I am a part of something bigger. It inspired me and strengthened me in my decisions."
Juliana Borgström
”To me owning your birth means deeply understanding that you are the main actress of your birth story, the one actively taking the decisions and standing for what is best for you and your baby. There is all the help in the world if you so choose, but remember that they are there just to assist you on the way and during your empowered birth story. The one delivering your baby is you and only you.
I recommend Own Your Birth because it is an extremely supportive forum for those women who want to have a conscious birthing experience. It is a powerful source of information with the positive mindset that is so needed to restore the rightful place of childbirth in our lives as a whole.”
Sonja Bolsoy Sarkinen
"To me owning your birth means to take full responsibility for every aspect that it’s possible to affect, like place of birth, the atmosphere during birth, who is present, what is done to/for mother and baby, the mindset and tools for pain management and mental challenges. It means to face and confront all the emotions, fears and concerns surrounding birth. It means to plan for the birth YOU want and not giving one of the most powerful, life-changing and amazing experiences of your life over to someone else’s fears or opinions.
I recommend Own Your Birth because: it gives you knowledge and perspective on a wide range of subjects around pregnancy, birth and parenting. It’s a safe space to share, learn and get unconditional support from other strong women, regardless of how you want to give birth."
Laila Amrouche
"It means birthing the way I want and for me that's undisturbed by examinations and just with the loving presence of my birth team letting me relax and let my body allow the baby earthside.
Own Your Birth has been an ongoing support with education to empower us to know that we are capable of birthing naturally."
"To me owning your birth means taking charge of my birth experince. By obtaining information about potential scenarios and different outcomes I was better equiped to make informed decisions and affect my own experience in a positive direction.
I recommend Own Your Birth because of it's fantastic collection of information helping women find the mental and physical power within themselves they already possess and also information about physiological as well as medical aspects of giving birth."
Helen Light
"To me owning your birth means that you actively participate in the process of not only your baby’s birth into this world, but your own rebirth as a woman, mother and feminine leader. To own your birth is to reclaim your right to be respected, protected and supported while you step into your righteous power as a gatekeeper and guardian of life.
I recommend Own Your Birth because this community is abundant with trustworthy resources of information and collective support, experience and wisdom all regarding the portal and process of birth and it’s potential for healing.
At your service, through my own."
Mother Blessing Ceremony, a spiritual baby shower for mothers-to-be.
Different options for a Mother Blessing:
Online: On zoom for 1.5 hours, including one Braïdo Organics Mother Blessing anointing roller that we send to your home before the event: 1 500 kr
In person: In your home if you live in Stockholm or right outside, for 2.5 hours, including one Braïdo Organics Mother Blessing anointing roller: 5 000 kr.
Contact us if you would like to plan a Mother Blessing for yourself or a loved one. Send an email to info@braidoorganics.com, with your name and phone number and we’ll get back to you.
What is a Mother Blessing Ceremony?
In our culture, the focus is almost entirely on the baby during pregnancy and birth – we have baby showers, gender reveal parties and everyone fusses over the baby once it’s born. We’re trying to redirect some of that focus towards the incredible work done by the Mother – physiologically, emotionally and spiritually. She is growing a new human being from seed in her own body!
To support this, we’ve created an empowering and beautiful ceremony that specifically honours the expectant Mother.
Over 2.5 hours, Maria and Kristina prepare the woman for birth and motherhood using a unique mix of ancient wisdom and modern knowledge. We will support you to gain a deep confidence in your ability to birth your baby and help you connect with your deepest source of strength. Helps you connect with the Mother Goddess and all women who have given birth before. This is also a time to deepen your friendships with your friends and female family members that are present to support you throughout pregnancy and motherhood.
In the ceremony (or before if you choose to have it online), you will receive a precious Mother Blessing anointing roller that we’ll use during the ceremony and that you can continue to use during birth and afterwards to enhance bonding with your baby.
The oil is a blend of organic linden blossom, rose, lavender and geranium. These plants are associated with mothering, nurturing and unconditional love, and help you connect with the archetypal feminine energy. The organic ingredients and the intention of healthy, undisturbed birth that is an integral part of the production process make this a very potent oil with a high spiritual vibration.
The ceremony can be adapted according to different needs, such as:
Complementary to a Bridal Shower or instead of.
Calling in your baby’s soul. This can be particularly helpful if you’re trying to become pregnant.
Mothering the Mother. An honouring and loving ceremony for those who tend to always put others first. This makes a wonderful gift to friends or colleagues in need of energetic support.
Mother’s Day ceremony to honour your own Mother who birthed you.
Self-love ritual for connecting with your higher self and calling in the support of the Divine Mother.
Let us know your needs and we’ll tailor-make a ceremony based on the goddesses that can best support you.
Workshop in Hormonal Balance during and after Menopause.
Coming soon!
Come and join us for a workshop on menopause (and pre-menopause). Menopause affects women in different ways, and it might be hard to know what to do about it. In this workshop we’ll discuss everything around the topic. You’ll be able to ask questions to our expert guests and discuss your experiences with the other participants.
We wish for you to gain new knowledge, get some answers and be inspired.
Take your mental, emotional and physically well-being serious and join us. Information about the date and our guests is coming soon. Stay tuned!