Happy Valentine’s Day to YOU!
Our aromatherapy candle Self Love spreads a delicious scent in your home. With organic lemon myrtle, ginger, cardamom, grapefruit and juniper. Made with eco soya wax and natural cotton wicks.
Do you love yourself unconditionally? Or does your love for yourself, and the acceptance of yourself come with conditions? Do you believe (perhaps unconsciously) that you will start feeling happy with yourself and better accept yourself when you’ve achieved x, y, z, have a certain amount of money in the bank, your home looking perfect, you’ve lost so many pounds/kilos, or altered something else about your body, when you’ve met the “right” partner, and on and on?
Sadly, as long as the love for yourself is conditional, the day you start loving yourself – and others – unconditionally will most likely never come, unless you start doing the real work to go deep inside of yourself and face your fears and insecurities and dare to be vulnerable – for real.
“I see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest things that we will ever do,” writes Brené Brown, American researcher and top-selling author, who studies and writes about vulnerability, courage, authenticity, and shame.
We love this quote because it’s exactly our mission with Braïdo Organics and Own Your Birth! To support you in your journey to finding YOUR truth and daring to own YOUR story. So, we would like to encourage you to practice some SELF-LOVING today (don’t sit around waiting for the “right” time, because it will never come and one day it will be too late. (This note is as much directed as a reminder to ourselves, as to you!)
Here’s where you can start, in three steps:
1.) Take a moment to pause, away from external stimulation. And listen inwards, what does your heart tell you? What do you need, for you?
2.) Face your fears. It may be painful to be honest with ourselves and others about our deepest fears and needs – and to let ourselves be vulnerable, to set clear boundaries, to walk away from things and people that don’t serve us, and to feel that we are worthy of alone time in order to engage in self-care and do things that we love – but in the long run it’s even more painful not to. And the truth is, that you won’t start living your life fully until you do!
So, take a gentle step towards starting to unpeel those layers of fears and defences. One way is to write a diary – just write whatever comes up without censoring yourself, or talk to a friend that you trust, listen to podcasts that encourage and inspire you, read books on the subjects you need to work on, or book a time with a coach or a therapist. It’s an investment for life!
3.) Do something that you love to do today! It doesn’t have to take long, a little break to nurture yourself will go a long way to start with.
Examples of things you can do for yourself:
Leave the phone at home and take a slow forest walk, breathe in the air and the vibrant colours of nature.
Take a bath and pour in some wonderful scented oil or bath salts, take a hot shower and massage yourself with an oil, or go to a Spa if you don’t have a bath – and see if you can stay fully present with yourself.
Give yourself some self-loving touch. Use our amazing Pure Bliss for an extra juicy feeling.
Use aromatherapy to wake up your senses, get in touch with yourself, your sensuality, creativity, and get a boost of energy or to relax (depending on the essential oils you use). Examples of aromatherapy can be pure essential oils that you add to a diffuser, or in body- and massage oils or scented candles, pillows containing lavender that you can heat up, room spray and so on.
Move your body to some soul-awakening music.
Go horse-back riding, learn skateboarding or whatever you long for and that makes you truly happy.
And remember, “How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you,” which the poet Rubi Kaur so wisely writes in her book Milk and Honey.